Learn SQL: SQL Query examples

For example, you could search for all requests that were emailed to the service project, or all requests that were sent from a customer portal. Search for all subtasks of a particular issue in company-managed projects or subtasks of a particular epic in team-managed projects. You can search by issue jql queries key or by issue ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to an Issue). Search for issues tagged with a label or list of labels. You can also search for issues without any labels to easily identify which issues need to be tagged so they show up in the relevant sprints, queues or reports.

jql query examples

To create an issue in Jira, you first need to specify a project. Keep in mind that some extra data is always returned in the JSON response. This example request adds a comment to an existing issue via the edit issue method. Note that only one comment at a time can be added when updating an issue via this resource. A custom field is actually referenced by customfield\_ + the field ID, rather than just the field ID.

jQuery HTML Set Content and Attributes

Returns issues that have an SLA that is running according to the SLA calendar. To find issues that are running based on calendar hours, use withincalendarhours(). Returns issues that have an SLA that is running, regardless of the calendar.

jql query examples

If you find yourself needing to search the same query on a regular basis, you can save it for later use. Although Jira JQL is pretty good at narrowing down from huge piles of issues, sometimes your query will still return a volume of issues that’s simply too large. For this https://deveducation.com/ example, let’s say we want to find all issues that are urgent and not done within a specific Epic link. Typing “AND” in your query will return issues that match both conditions of your search. You can also use “NOT IN” to identify everything that falls outside that query.


We’ve just replaced the aggregate function SUM with AVG. For each employee, we need to return all his calls with their duration. We also want to know the percentage of time an employee spent on this call, compared to the total call time of all his calls. Now we want to return the total duration of all calls for each employee. So, we want to have 1 row for each employee and the sum of the duration of all calls he ever made. We’ll continue from where we stopped with the previous query.

So if you set the limit to 10, you will get a list of the 10 latest Snapshots. The wider the scope, the more object shadows are loaded to the resulting graph
(and the more database queries are executed). Since Shadows are instances of your domain classes,
you can use them easily in your application. Moreover, the JQL engine strives to rebuild original object graphs.

Snapshot version filter

Then you probably will have stumbled upon the search function in Jira. Be it while looking for a specific ticket, to automate workflows or to create reports. The developers among you might have had a look at the advanced search in Jira as well. Where inc is an optional increment of (+/-)nn(y|M|w|d|h|m). If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. startOfWeek(«+1») is the same as startOfWeek(«+1w»).

jql query examples