Cabañeros opens a «large terrace» which lets you review the entire national park

Cabañeros National Park, in the heart of the Montes de Toledo, being this Easter one of the most visited destinations nature of the province. The opening in late October of the new interpretation center Horcajo de los Montes, who this week is open daily uninterrupted hours (10:00 to 19:00), on Wednesday joined the opening of three new hiking trails two of them halfway between Horcajo and Retuerta del Bullaque, and the third in Los Navalucillos (Toledo), to ascend to massif Rocigalgo, allowing both the short and family walk, a long walk of moderate difficulty and even high .

The path of the Cañada Real Segoviana is cortita, 1.8 kilometers, but can see the entire park from a viewpoint that is installed in a strategic point in the center of Cabañeros: «a magnificent panorama of the park is from the raña unique to the highest peak, the Rocigalgo, «says Mariano Gomez, president of the Cabañeros Hortur association of tourist entrepreneurs Horcajo de los Montes, the population of the ciudarrealeña part with more tourist infrastructure.

The trail of La Viñuela (both routes out of the 80-81 kilometer of the CM-4106 road to Retuerta Horcajo) crosses an area of ​​rebollar very interesting. semicircular path of thirteen kilometers, Gomez believes that the nice thing is watch the changing of the seasons. «The cross streams and enters the raña until a quejigar». In this way it is possible to see deer, wild boars and especially birds: vultures, eagles …noticia-1-2

These trails has joined the route Rocigaldo Massif in Los Navalucillos, 19 kilometers that run through the mountainous and rugged park (more information, and three to a dozen routes walk that can be done for free, like the classic Boqueron Estena, Navas. In this offer there unite the guided vehicles 4 × 4 tours, guided by park staff paths for which authorization is required, in addition to visitor centers like Chopsticks House in Pueblonuevo del Bullaque, the wildlife museum Zoorama Retuerta and Ethnographic Alcoba.noticia-1-2

«We are very pleased with the new system for public use. We are very optimistic for the future, we have great expectations for this year, «added Gomez.

Interest in the new routes are noticing these days in offices park reserve. The premiere of spring, always a time very good to go to Cabañeros, as in September during the «rutting» deer the Cabañeros Hortur association has published a new comprehensive brochure with all the new information about Horcajo de los Montes and rest of the park.

And according to the president of the tourism business interest in the new visitor center, a large building on the outskirts of Horcajo, is still high. «The past weekend was an average of 150 people per day.»
The space has several recreational and audiovisual rooms to meet the natural values ​​of the park. Admission is free and from Easter keep their summer schedule from Thursday to Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00.

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